
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”

Mommy-Daughter Time in Cologne

There’s a first time for everything: flying in a helicopter, going on your first job interview or taking your mom with you on a press

Welcome Back Party!

The following post is all about Antwerp, the city I live – and love – in. The Nationalestraat, one of the most fashionable streets in

Amsterdam Scrapbook

Ahh, finally I found the time to upload all of my pictures from our trip to Amsterdam (iPhone pics that is, since I forgot my

Lederhosen, Schnitzels & S.Oliver

Top secret blogger trips to other countries are always exciting. As was the one I went on last month. Destination: Germany. Reason: Fashion brand S.Oliver.

Weekend in Amsterdam

(superga shoes via spartoo schoenen)  I just got back from a weekend in Amsterdam, which was actually my first real visit to the city. I’ve

Quick Hello | From London

A quick hello from my fave city in the entire world – can you guess which one already? Esprit invited me over to London to