Bump Update: Week Twenty-Five

I am celebrating the 25-week mark by taking a week off to go on our first ever family trip, a bonafide holiday with Mr. Lewis! We’re setting sail towards Kitzbühl, Austria, to enjoy some peace, quiet, beautiful nature and hopefully sunny memories. The weather forecast isn’t looking too promising, but we won’t let that stop us from having a good time. That, and our cancellation period already ended 😉

Truth be told, I always imagined going on a so-called Babymoon to somewhere exotic and far away, and Austria was nowhere to be found on the list of placed I’d want to go. However, I do truly look forward to our little Kitz-trip (sans kid) to indulge in long walks with the puppy, relaxing wellness moments and wholesome adventures.

Anyways, let’s talk baby! I’ve been feeling energized and positive for the most part, and I do think that keeping myself busy during the day, eating a healthy diet and working out at least twice a week is what keeps me happy and satisfied. For my work-outs I rely on the expertise of Julie Iking, personal trainer at The Brick and schooled in pre- and postnatal work-outs. I meet up with her once a week (7:00 sharp, auwch) and even though she kicks my ass, I feel super strong and energized after. On weekends I love to join a Fit Mom Club work-out class, led by Annelies or Lore, which is the perfect combination of stretching and pregnancy-safe work-out circuits.


in my shopping cart

Nuna Leaf Grow


We added the Nuna Leaf Grow to our list as it is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. The colorway Biscotti matches perfectly with our interior and the bouncer is the perfect way to keep your baby safe and entertained while you get some handsfree time to do other things.

Being a true Virgo myself, I love to plan ahead and want to have things pretty much all figured out. Of course I couldn’t wait until the very last minute to shop some baby essentials, and after seeing this particular ‘tool’ on a few different people’s stories, I knew I had to add it to the list. Meet the Nuna Leaf Grow bouncer. It is supposed to help soothe and sway newborns into a state of calm and can be used for years to come as a reclining chair. I absolutely love the design of the Nuna Leaf Grow, we got it in the color way Biscotti, which looks as delicious as it sounds! The bouncer sways from side to side with just a gentle nudge and comes with a detachable toy bar. When it comes to baby purchases, we do want to keep the durability as well as the sustainability in mind, so I love the fact that this bouncer can be used for years and years and years to come! Can’t wait to report back on it after having used it in real life 😉

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What do you think?

August 22, 2021

I love reading your blogs and watching your video. I am really impressed by the way you are doing business and I am just inspired by it!

August 22, 2021

Thanks so much for the tips both in the blog and on your YouTube channel. As a new Interior Design student, I find them to be incredibly helpful, interesting, and inspirational. Keep up the great work!

August 22, 2021

Great tips! I’ve just discovered your Youtube channel, and I love it! Thanks for sharing your content and the day and life of a designer.

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